Spray On Coating

Learn The What, Why, Where and How Of Protective Coating

Polyurea protective coatings are most often used for the following reasons:  

Polyurea protective coatings are most often used for the following reasons:  
Corrosion Protection
Abrasion Resistance    
Chemical, Environment or Atmospheric Resistance
Structural Enhancement
Decoration For decades, conventional materials such as paint, epoxy, fiberglass and vinyl esters have all been used to produce these different kinds of protective coating applications.

Polyurea coating technology is not something new. In reality, it has been around and in use for over three decades now. Polyurea is distinct and more advanced than these conventional coating systems and offers many benefits to the owner, specifier and contractor.These benefits come mainly in the style of impressive feasible physical features, and its fast set, return-to-service properties. It can also be implemented over a variety of different substrates (concrete, metals, wood etc) in a wide spectrum of temperature and humidity conditions. However, like all protective coatings, using polyurea is no excuse to ignore proper surface development and quality control testing during application.

Polyurea’s main benefit is its fast set nature. It can typically return an area to service many times quicker than traditional coatings, allowing the owner to put the equipment back in use without days or weeks of income losing down-time. Down time for maintenance and coats on water vessels, waste-water clarifiers, parking garages and chemical storage vessels costs the facility owner a great deal of capital since these areas must be taken out of military while other coatings are applied and drying.Most industrial use polyureas are spray implemented, so it is fast to complete and accurately proportioned and mixed. This application style allows for virtually any mil thickness to be formed in one or multiple passes. Additional characteristics such as slip resistant additives and cover textures can also be combined, UV stable colors can be created, and even NSF potable water accepted modes are also possible with polyurea.Almost no coating can compare to polyurea when it comes to attainable physical properties. Polyureas can be formed to achieve a tremendous range of qualities — from high elongation to superior tensile strength to hard or soft, all based on how the material is formulated and correctly applied.Contact ArmorThane.com or our Renowned list of Site Sponsors and Featured Contractors to find out how polyurea can solve your protective coating needs.

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